Thursday 3 May 2012

Day 11: Karl Jenkins, Adiemus 2 – Cantata Mundi

Day 11: Karl Jenkins, Adiemus 2 – Cantata Mundi

The first Adiemus was known as Songs of Sanctuary and was released in 1995. Both Songs of Sanctuary and Cantata Mundi were written by the Welsh composer Karl Jenkins and performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra with Miriam Stockley on vocals.

It’s been a very long time since I’ve listened to Cantata Mundi, and I’d forgotten just how emotive it is. I’m no musical expert, but to me, it some of the vocals sound almost African, very clear and penetrating. I’m sure I’ve heard somewhere that this is achieved by the composer not using real words for the singer, and even that it’s mostly singing syllables, that achieve the effect he wants.

Another thing I do remember is that Miriam Stockley sings the theme tune on the Beatrix Potter videos my children and I used to watch when they were really little. And she really does have a lovely voice.

The whole of the work is just over an hour, but I can’t listen to all of it in one go as after a while it all starts to sound the same! Oh dear, perhaps I shouldn’t say that!

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